Blogpost #3

A. Engage

(a) What is a database?

- A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management system.

(b) What type of software is Microsoft Office Excel?

- Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that features calculation, graphic tools, pivot tables, and macro programming language support for Windows and Mac operating systems.

(c) What type of software is Microsoft Office Access?

- Microsoft Access is a database management system that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools.

(d) Think of at least two differences between Access and Excel

Excel - Compared to Access the storage capacity is less since Excel is not build to store data.

Excel - flat and non-relational.

Access - Compared to Excel, the storage capacity is more since Access is mainly created for storing, sorting, and manipulating databases.

Access - Capable of building multiple relational models.


1. What is information management?

- The collection and management of information from one or more sources, as well as the distribution of that information to one or more audiences, is referred to as information management.

2. What is a database?

- A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system.

3. What is a database management system?

- A database management system is a software package used to store, retrieve, query, and manage data. Authorized entities can create, read, update, and delete data using user interfaces.

4. What are the difference between RDBMS and NON-RDBMS?

- Relational databases store data in rows and columns like a spreadsheet while non-relational databases store data don't, using a storage model that is best suited for the type of data it's storing.

5. What is object-oriented database?

- object-oriented databases are databases that represent data in the form of objects and classes.


Microsoft Access 1. A Microsoft software product that is primarily a data management tool (database software). 

DBMS 2. Software package for defining and managing a database.

Entity-Relationship Model 3. Logical arrangement, independent table, 


Microsoft Excel 4. Is a spreadsheet software program that is traditionally used to manage numerical information.

Database 5. A collection of information organized and presented to serve a specific purpose.


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