

 Blogpost #6 A. Engage Instruction: Based on your own understanding, kindly define the following terminologies:  A.XML  XML is a language used for storing and moving data. It is based on tags that define different elements within a document, and these tags can be customized to suit specific requirements. XML enables developers to structure and organize data in a way that is suitable for their particular use case. B.JSON  JSON is an acronym for JavaScript Object Notation, which is a simple and lightweight data format that can be easily read and written by humans and machines. It is not tied to any specific programming language and is supported by many popular programming languages. The data in JSON is organized as key-value pairs, with the key being a string and the value being one of several data types. JSON objects are enclosed in curly braces, while arrays are enclosed in square brackets. C.AJAX AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a web development technique that


 Blogspot #5 A. Engage What is SQL? -  SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language, is a widely-used language for managing relational databases. It enables businesses and organizations to manipulate large amounts of data efficiently by creating, updating, deleting, retrieving, and manipulating data stored in tables. SQL is a declarative language, which means that users specify what they want to do with the data, and the database system determines how to carry out the task. In addition to creating and modifying database structures like tables and indexes, SQL provides a wide range of querying capabilities, such as searching for specific data, aggregating data, and joining multiple tables. Because SQL is supported by many relational database management systems and has a standardized syntax, it facilitates data and command transfer between different database systems. B. Explore and Explain 1. What are some SQL commands? - CREATE DATABASE, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT INTO, DROP INDE

Introduction To SQL

 Blogpost #4 A. Engage  a. DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE - Data definition language is a language for describing data and how it relates to other data in the database. b. INTERACTIVE DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE  - IDML is a programming language used for manipulating data in a database, where users can directly interact and modify data in real-time. c. EMBEDDED DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE - EDML is a programming language that is integrated into software applications to help users manipulate database data within the application. With EDML, users can easily perform data manipulation tasks without having to leave the application interface. B. EXPLORE & EXPLAIN 1. What are the basic SQL expression? ·         SELECT: Used to retrieve data from a database table ·         INSERT: Used to add new records to a database table ·         UPDATE: Used to modify existing records in a database table ·         DELETE: Used to remove records from a database table ·         WHERE: Used to filter


 Blogpost #3 A. Engage (a) What is a database? - A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management system. (b) What type of software is Microsoft Office Excel? - Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that features calculation, graphic tools, pivot tables, and macro programming language support for Windows and Mac operating systems. (c) What type of software is Microsoft Office Access? - Microsoft Access is a database management system that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. (d) Think of at least two differences between Access and Excel Excel - Compared to Access the storage capacity is less since Excel is not build to store data. Excel - flat and non-relational. Access - Compared to Excel, the storage capacity is more since Access is mainly created for storing, sortin

Function, Advantages, Disadvantages of DBMS

 Blogpost #2 A. Engage (a) Functions of DBMS Data Definition -  The DBMS must be able to accept data definitions in source form and convert to the appropriate object form.  Data Manipulation -  The DBMS must be able to handle request from the user to retrieve and possibly update existing data in the database, or to add a new data to the database. Data Security and Integrity - The DBMS must be able to monitor user requests and reject any attempts to violate the security and integrity checks defined by the database administrator. Data Recovery and Concurrency -  The DBMS must have the capability of recover from or minimize the effects of a system crash. Data Dictionary -  The DBMS must provide a system database called the database dictionary. The Main function of a DBMS it organizes your database files and provides end users more access and control over their data.  (b) Advantages of DBMS DATA INTEGRITY  - Since a single copy of a particular data is stored in the database, you ca

Information Management 1 Class Experience

  Blogpost #1 The first week our teacher gave us an overview on the topics and what will do in her class and I'm looking forward to learning more to this subject. Every Wednesday and Thursday I take my Information Management classes, at first, I thought this subject wouldn't be interesting but a couple of weeks later I learned a lot about databases and how they work and the reason why databases is needed. During my classes I've learned a lot about data and information and what are their differences and also, I've learned about concepts and DBMS and its components and more. I've learned a lot for the past 4 weeks, so I must say the subject is hard, but I think I can handle it for the next few months.